Why invest in the Nukus Free Economic Zone

Why invest in the Nukus Farm FEZ?


  • application of preferential tax and customs regime
  • state support of investors
  • modern infrastructure and business services provided
  • availability of energy resources (gas, electricity, water, sewerage)
  • availability of accessible skilled labor
  • convenience of a multimodal transport hub
  • preferred geographic location
  • possibility to enter the markets of the CIS and Asia
  • long-term economic and political stability in the republic
  • favorable climatic conditions
  • hospitality and goodwill of the local population
  • wealth and abundance of local agricultural products market
  • developed ecotourism and availability of cultural and historical monuments
  • A number of other advantages and privileges


Как начать бизнес в СЭЗ "НУКУС"?
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(+99890) 652-30-54
(0361) 222-59-55

(0361) 222-59-55